Thanks for your message. Our trip was incredible and we thank you for your assistance. We wish we could have spent more time in Amazonas. Both Tropical Ecoresort and Ariaú… [Continue Lendo]
Tag: Ariaú Towers
Dear Luciana, As promised, I herewith send you our feedback. CITY TOURS. Manaus is a nice place to spend a day, especially before/after the jungle tours. MEETING OF THE WATERS…. [Continue Lendo]
Dear Luciana, I feel the toilet facilities of Ariaú Towers can be improved (honestly it stinks!). The service of Taj Mahal hotel is good although the facilities are basic. Honestly,… [Continue Lendo]
Hola Ricardo! Antes que nada una disculpa, lo que pasa es que recibimos el anterior mensaje y erroneamente lo borramos, pero te podemos decir que te agradecemos muchos las atenciones… [Continue Lendo]
Oi, de Pedro e SONIA Obrigado. Manaus foi uma boa experiencia, gostei muito dos mercados e da genuidade do ambiente mercantil de toda a zona ribeirinha. Taj Mahal apesar de… [Continue Lendo]